
Virtual Villagers 2 How To Decorate The Tree?

Welcome to the Virtual Villagers: The Tree of Life Walkthrough! Uncover fantastic mysteries; unravel the story of Isola, and save the Tree of Life! Whether you use this document as a reference when things get difficult or as a road map to go yous from beginning to end, we're pretty certain you'll find what you're looking for here. This document contains a complete Virtual Villagers: The Tree of Life game walkthrough featuring annotated screenshots from actual gameplay! We hope yous discover this data useful equally you play your way through the game. Use the walkthrough card below to quickly jump to whatever stage of the game you need help with. Remember to visit the Big Fish Games Forums if you find you demand more help. Accept fun! This walkthrough was created by TheRealBoo.

Walkthrough Menu

  • Game Nuts
  • General Tips
  • Puzzle 1: The Cutting Tool
  • Puzzle 2: The Stream
  • Puzzle three: Boiling Water
  • Puzzle 4: Lather Invented
  • Puzzle v: The Collywobbles
  • Puzzle 6: The Frog Rescue
  • Puzzle 7: The Cooking Pit
  • Puzzle 8: Cloth Invented
  • Puzzle ix: The Nursery School
  • Puzzle ten: The Mossy Rocks
  • Puzzle 11: The M Banquet
  • Puzzle 12: Angling Nets
  • Puzzle 13: Pruning the Tree
  • Puzzle 14: Honoring the Tree
  • Puzzle 15: Purifying the Tree
  • Puzzle 16: Decorate the Tree

Game Nuts

Main Menu

  • Click on Change Tribe to create, select or delete a tribe.
  • Outset Over will allow you to brainstorm from scratch nether the current tribe proper noun.
  • Click on Options to access sounds, music and voiceovers controls, enable up to 4 music tracks, change between full screen and windowed fashion and control the game speed.

Virtual Villagers: The Tree of Life

Villager Item Bill of fare

  • This carte du jour can be accessed by clicking the detail button on the main screen.

Virtual Villagers: The Tree of Life

  • Hither y'all will detect all sorts of information well-nigh your villagers.
  • You tin see their portrait, proper name (can exist changed), age, gender, condition, skills, likes and dislikes.
  • You can whorl betwixt villagers by clicking on the arrows below the portrait.
  • The villagers can be sorted out by age, skill or health.
  • The condition bar will bespeak if your villager is healthy or sick. If sick, make sure to drib a healer on them right abroad.
  • For nursing villagers a timer will appear under the condition bar indicating how much time is left.
  • Once a villager reaches the working age of 14, they can chief upwards to five different skills: farming, building, enquiry, healing and parenting.
  • Farming can be developed by collecting whatsoever type of food.
  • Edifice tin can exist developed by clearing the stream obstacle and building new huts.
  • Research can be developed by doing research in the lab.
  • Healing can be adult by studying at the hospital and healing the sick villagers. This is accomplished past dropping the healer on the ill villager.
  • Parenting tin can be developed past telling stories to children, nursing babies and working on condign a parent.
  • There are iii unlike skill levels: trainee, adept and master.
  • Y'all can gear up a preference for a specific skill by checking the contributor box side by side to information technology.

Virtual Villagers: The Tree of Life

Map Card

  • Hither you can see an overview map of the game.
  • You tin instantly motion to whatsoever part of the game past clicking on the desired location on the map.

Virtual Villagers: The Tree of Life

Collections Carte du jour

  • At that place are four sets of collectables that only your children can find.
  • They are: fish scales, mausoleum, wind flutes and research lab.
  • The fish scales appear to the left of the fish statue on the southeast corner of the screen. They are nerveless on the fish statue. Completing the collection will increase the maximum population.
  • The mausoleum pieces can be more often than not establish effectually the center of the screen. They are nerveless on the mausoleum arch at the northwest corner of the screen. Completing the collection will increase the maximum population by five and ghosts of dead villagers volition appear to point out rare collectibles.
  • The wind flutes can be found by and large around the middle of the screen. They are nerveless to the right of the stream obstruction at the northeast corner of the screen. Completing this collection will increment the maximum population by v.
  • The research lab items tin can be found mostly around the center of the screen. They are collected on the shelves in the research lab. Completing this collection will increment the maximum population by 5 and the researchers will earn tech points faster.
  • Collecting items yous already accept volition give you additional tech points.

Virtual Villagers: The Tree of Life

Technologies Menu

  • There are vi types of technologies that you can upgrade by using tech points: scientific discipline, medicine, learning, construction, food mastery and dendrology.
  • Upgrading science will allow your villagers to earn tech points faster.
  • Upgrading medicine will permit your villagers to alive longer, be more fertile and will reduce the frequency of disease on the isle. Once you attain level three you can build a hospital for training and treatment.
  • Upgrading learning will cause your villagers to pick up new tasks faster. In one case y'all reach level 3 y'all can build a nursery schoolhouse where children can be educated.
  • Upgrading construction will enable your villagers to build and repair various structures.
  • Upgrading nutrient mastery will increase your villager's understanding about preparing and storing all types of food.
  • Upgrading dendrology will permit the villagers to fully sympathize and somewhen heal the Tree of Life.
  • At that place is a picture of the Tree of Life that tracks its current level of health. In that location are six levels full.
  • Drib a villager that has mastered at least 2 skills on the plant nursery school to showtime instruction the children. This volition requite them a caput get-go on skills when they reach age 14.
  • You earn tech points by dragging a villager to the tabular array in the lab so they can practice research.
  • Some of the puzzles will require the upgrade of certain technologies.

Virtual Villagers: The Tree of Life

Trophies Menu

  • Here yous tin rail your progress in achieving up to 79 dissimilar trophies.
  • Use the vertical scroll bar on the correct to browse thru them.

Virtual Villagers: The Tree of Life

Puzzles and Milestones Menu

  • There are a total of sixteen puzzles to solve.
  • Every fourth dimension y'all consummate a puzzle, the original image volition be replaced by a game screenshot.
  • Click on a solved puzzle to come across its proper name, a brief description and how long it took to complete information technology.

Virtual Villagers: The Tree of Life

Controls and Navigation

  • Use the detail camera found at the bottom right of the main screen to quickly locate any villager.
  • Click on the arrows to browse thru the villagers. Every bit each one comes up, the game will zoom to that villager.
  • When the camera is blank and you click on the right arrow the youngest villager will exist located. Every bit you lot go on clicking, information technology will scan from youngest to oldest.

Virtual Villagers: The Tree of Life

  • Another mode of selecting a villager is by but clicking on them.
  • You can drag and drop any villager to whatever part of the screen.
  • At that place are several ways of navigating effectually the screen.
  • You can left click on the ground and drag the screen around.
  • You can access the overview map and click on the desired surface area.
  • Y'all can apply the detail photographic camera and browse thru the villagers. The screen will move to their current location.
  • You can also apply the numeric keypad to movement around. Imagine the screen broken into 9 grids where each grid corresponds to a number. For example, pressing #v volition take y'all to the center of the screen and pressing #9 will have you to the northeast area of the screen.


  • Making stews are a very important part of this game.
  • They are created by boiling fresh or salt water in a pot in the lab and adding herbs or foods.
  • You lot must have 3 herbs to make a stew.
  • In that location are three herbs to make stews with: soapy plant, sugariness plant and spicy found.
  • The soapy plants are white flowers located to the left of the lab bridge.

Virtual Villagers: The Tree of Life

  • The sweet plants are yellowish flowers located but higher up the lab.

Virtual Villagers: The Tree of Life

  • The spicy establish is an orange bloom located to the left of the Tree of Life.

Virtual Villagers: The Tree of Life

General Tips

  • For an like shooting fish in a barrel start choose two kids (10 or younger), ii immature women and ane young man.
  • Follow the tutorial the kickoff time y'all play the game. It's a great way to quickly familiarize you with the game nuts.
  • The game keeps running even when yous are not playing. If you are planning on not playing for a while consider switching the speed to tiresome or paused.
  • Nursing mothers won't piece of work for a period of ii years.
  • Females between xviii and 50 can get nursing mothers.
  • Children between the ages of 2 and xiv will not work, but they are the only ones that tin can collect mushrooms, flowers to brand stew and collectables.
  • Make sure to pay attending to the weather. When it rains mushroom will announced more often and when it'due south foggy collectibles will show upwardly more than frequently.
  • When the foundation for a hut shows up, yous can pick information technology upwards and motion it to a dissimilar location.
  • You lot need to take at least 250 in the food bin to terminate villagers from worrying well-nigh food and keep working on their tasks.
  • If you are running the tutorial it will show you how to start a fire.
  • To get-go a fire driblet an developed onto the pile of wood that's left of the staircase going up the cliff. Then drop an adult on the dry out grass that's between the woods pile and the staircase. Concluding, drop an adult onto the blackness circle with the wood and the grass on it.

Virtual Villagers: The Tree of Life

  • You can pause the game at any time by hitting the space bar.
  • This guide was designed to help you solve the puzzles as quickly as possible. Don't exist afraid to try more than challenging combinations of villagers to get-go with.

Puzzle ane: The Cutting Tool

  • Head to the big fish skeleton that is south of the nutrient bin.
  • Drop an adult on the skeleton and they will collect three bones and rut them in the fire.

Virtual Villagers: The Tree of Life

  • After the cutting tools are fabricated they will store them in the science lab.
  • During each process 3 cutting tools are created.
  • Y'all can store up to vi cutting tools in the science lab.

Virtual Villagers: The Tree of Life

Puzzle 2: The Stream

  • Head to the cascading waterfall.
  • Pay close attention to where information technology ends.
  • Wait for the stream obstruction, left of the air current flutes, and elevate a villager on information technology and so they tin brainstorm clearing it.

Virtual Villagers: The Tree of Life

  • You lot can utilize more than one villager to speed up the process.
  • Once the obstacle has been cleared, the water will surround the tree.
  • Head to where the waterfall used to end and you volition detect the keystone.

Virtual Villagers: The Tree of Life

  • Drag a villager who is both an proficient builder and an adept scientist to the stone and they will plug the hole to the left of the tree thus restoring the normal flow of the stream.

Virtual Villagers: The Tree of Life

Puzzle 3: Humid H2o

  • In that location are two sets of bowls. At the superlative of the cliff you will find the ready for fresh water and the bottom the set up for salt water.

Virtual Villagers: The Tree of Life

  • To boil water you take to first bring h2o to the pot in the lab and and then heat it up with a crimson hot stone.
  • Elevate an adult on the desired set of bowls. They will fill the basin with water and take information technology to the lab.
  • Look for a pile of stones at the bottom left of the span to the lab.
  • Drag an adult on the stones and they will have one to the fire.
  • Once the stone is reddish hot drag an adult to it and they will take the rock to the pot in the lab.

Virtual Villagers: The Tree of Life

Puzzle 4: Soap Invented

  • The requirement to solve Puzzle 4 is: Puzzle iii.
  • Look for the soapy smelling flowers (white ones) located to the left of the lab span.
  • Drag a child to the flowers and they will collect iii of them and place them on a tabular array in the lab.
  • Utilise an adult to fill the pot with salt water, oestrus a stone and boil the water.
  • Drag an adult to the table with the flowers to make soap.
  • When the h2o disappears from the pot, drag an adult to it and they will stack the soap on a rack.

Virtual Villagers: The Tree of Life

Puzzle five: The Butterflies

  • The requirements to solve Puzzle 5 are: Puzzle 1 and Puzzle two.
  • Look for a dry plant at the bottom of the stream, below the blackberry bush.
  • After solving Puzzle 2 the dry out institute will brainstorm to recover.
  • Once the plant is light-green elevate an adult to it and they will cut the leaves.
  • The adult will get covered in plant sap and butterflies will bear witness upward.

Virtual Villagers: The Tree of Life

  • Very slowly (to brand sure yous don't lose the butterflies) elevate your villager to the Tree of Life.
  • Once the adult is washed wiping the sap on the tree, the butterflies will stay on the tree.

Virtual Villagers: The Tree of Life

Puzzle vi: The Frog Rescue

  • The requirement to solve Puzzle vi is: Puzzle 2.
  • Expect to the right of the stairs going up the cliff.
  • When it rains you volition meet a puddle of water appear in this area and frogs volition prove upward.
  • Elevate an developed onto the frogs and they volition carry one to the tree.
  • Repeat this process until six frogs have been rescued.

Virtual Villagers: The Tree of Life

Puzzle 7: The Cooking Pit

  • The requirement to solve Puzzle vii is: Level ii Construction.
  • Look for an expanse covered in rocks side by side to ii palm trees at the southwest corner of the screen.
  • Drag an developed there to remove the rocks.
  • You tin can employ more than i villager to speed upwards the process.
  • Once the area is cleared you demand to motion 4 hot stones to it.
  • Brand sure you lot utilise more than one villager because if you are as well slow the rock will absurd down and you will have to restart the process.
  • Drag an adult to the assistant tree located between the blackberry bush and the bridge. They volition put leaves on the pit until it is activated.
  • At present yous can drag adults to the fruit trees.

Virtual Villagers: The Tree of Life

Puzzle 8: Material Invented

  • The requirements to solve Puzzle eight are: Level 2 Science and Puzzle 1.
  • Later on getting Level two Science the foundation for a new hut will appear: The Clothing Hut.

Virtual Villagers: The Tree of Life

  • One time the article of clothing hut is finished, drag an adult on the pulpy vines located on the cliff wall to the left of the staircase. They will cut three pieces of vines and accept them to the lab.

Virtual Villagers: The Tree of Life

  • Make full the pot with salt water and eddy it.
  • Drag an adult to the table and they will add the vines to the pot.

Virtual Villagers: The Tree of Life

  • In one case the cooking is done, drag an adult to the pot. They will place the fabric pulp on a flat rock on the shore.
  • Drag an adult onto the lurid to make the textile. This needs to be done ten times.

Virtual Villagers: The Tree of Life

  • Have two adults working on the pulp at the same time to speed of the process.
  • When finished you will accept three bolts of material which will exist stored at the hut.
  • The clothing hut tin can store upward to half-dozen bolts of cloth.

Puzzle 9: The Nursery School

  • The requirement to solve Puzzle ix is: Level 3 Learning.
  • After reaching Level 3 Learning a new hut foundation will appear.
  • Drib some builders on it to get-go construction.
  • Once information technology is congenital, drop a villager with at least 2 skills mastered on it. They will start teaching the children.

Virtual Villagers: The Tree of Life

Puzzle 10: The Mossy Rocks

  • The requirement to solve Puzzle 10 is: Puzzle 12.
  • Have an adult catch a fish. This will make a crab announced on the embankment to the correct of the cliff staircase.
  • Very chop-chop pick up a child and driblet it on the crab. Repeat over again with some other child.

Virtual Villagers: The Tree of Life

  • At present drag an adult to the crab and they will pick up the crab and accept information technology to the mossy rocks at the base of the swimming.
  • Y'all need to practice this process v times.

Virtual Villagers: The Tree of Life

Puzzle 11: The Thou Feast

  • The requirements to solve Puzzle 11 are: Puzzle 7 and Puzzle 12.
  • Take the children choice up the iii herbs: spicy, soapy and sweet.
  • Fill the pot with fresh water and boil it.
  • Drag an adult to the table to start the stew.
  • Drib and adult twice on the nutrient bin.
  • Drop an adult on the blackberry bush.
  • Drop an adult on the pier to become a fish.
  • Drop an adult on the fruit trees.
  • Drop a child on a mushroom.
  • Later on everything has been added, driblet an developed on the pot.
  • When finished, all the villagers will come get a bowl and assemble around the burn.

Virtual Villagers: The Tree of Life

Puzzle 12: Fishing Nets

  • The requirement to solve Puzzle 12 is: Puzzle 8.
  • Elevate an adult to the piers to repair them.
  • Elevate an adult to the piers later they take been repaired. They will use the fabric to repair the angling nets. Repeat the process until the nets are repaired.
  • At present you can get fish by dragging an adult to the piers.

Virtual Villagers: The Tree of Life

Puzzle 13: Pruning the Tree

  • The requirements to solve Puzzle xiii are: Level 2 Dendrology, Puzzle 1, Puzzle 4 and Puzzle 8.
  • Drop an adult onto the ill branch of the tree. They will go get cloth to demark the branch.
  • Drop an adult to the cut tools and they volition cut off the ill branch.
  • Driblet an adult on the soap in the lab to clean the black spots.

Virtual Villagers: The Tree of Life

Puzzle 14: Honoring the Tree

  • The requirements to solve Puzzle 14 are: 20 villagers.
  • Brand a stew with the post-obit ingredients: fresh water, three sugariness plants and food from the food bin.
  • Very apace driblet 20 villagers onto the pot and they will take the stew to the Tree of Life and honor it.
  • The puzzle will be solved once 20 villagers are kneeling at the Tree of Life at the aforementioned fourth dimension.

Puzzle 15: Purifying the Tree

  • The requirements to solve Puzzle 15 are: Level 3 Dendrology and Puzzle 4.
  • You need an adult that is clean of torso and mind to purify the Tree of Life.
  • Driblet an adult on the soap in the lab. He will put soap into the pond and suds will announced.
  • Driblet the adult into the pond and expect until they are clean. You will know because in that location will be white sparkles around them.

Virtual Villagers: The Tree of Life

  • Driblet a different adult onto the nursery to move all the children there.
  • Drop the sparkling adult near the current of air flutes and they volition kickoff to meditate.

Virtual Villagers: The Tree of Life

  • Make sure no ane disturbs the meditating villager.
  • When the villager is done meditating they will exist clean of trunk and mind, sparkling white and gold.
  • Drop the villager onto the pigsty in the Tree of Life.

Virtual Villagers: The Tree of Life

Puzzle 16: Decorate the Tree

  • The requirements to solve Puzzle xvi are: The start four steps in healing the Tree of Life and Puzzle viii.
  • Drib an adult onto one of the 3 crates located below the big round table in the lab.
  • They will take one braid and lay it downwards on the aforementioned apartment stone used to make fabric.
  • Look for the majestic hummingbird that will first to hover around some flowers.
  • When the hummingbird flies away, drop a child onto the flower.
  • Keep dropping the kid until the bloom is picked.
  • Drop more children onto the blossom until six flowers have been added to the complect.
  • This procedure has to be done three times in social club to cure the Tree of Life.

Congratulations! You have completed Virtual Villagers:The Tree of Life!

Created at: 2010-04-21


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